01/09/2012 - 01/10/2012

Dia yang Mempesona

Gelak tawanya, senyum simpulnya, renyah suaranya bahkan aroma
tubuhnya, begitu jantan, membuat jantungku selalu berdebar.

Derap langkah tegapnya membuat mataku terpana, mengunci fokus pada gerakannya.

Pangeran dalam mimpiku, kau begitu mempesona, kau buatku ingin di dekatmu.

Seandainya ku diberi kesempatan, untuk terlahir sebagai wanita, pasti
sudah kuutarakan perasaanku.


Ternyata memang benar, tuak itu bisa menghilangkan rasa sakit yang ku
alami, yang tak tertahankan.

Terima kasih, cinta ku, kau telah menyembuhkan rasa sakit dengan memberiku tuak.

Tak lagi kurasa perutku yang melilit.
Tak kurasa lagi tekanan pada kemaluanku.
Tak ada lagi semuanya, tak ada beban.
Bahkan, janin yang ada di perutku pun tak menendang lagi, nampaknya
dia telah tertidur pulas.

Ya, janin hasil hubungan kita, janin terlarang, janin yang tak seharusnya ada.

Kau bersikukuh untuk menggugurkannya, ketika aku memaksamu bertanggung
jawab atas semua ini.
Aku tak kuasa membunuh cinta kita.
Aku terus menangis.
Aku kesakitan, janin ini seperti berontak dalam perutku.

Tapi, lagi, semua itu hilang, aku bagai terbang, semua terobati seketika..
Seketika kau memberiku tuak itu.

Terimakasih sayang, kini aku tak harus memintamu bertanggung jawab,
karena, dunia kita berbeda.

Curcol: Frequently Asking Request

Ini orang ngaco deh requestnya..

Client: mas, nanti saya pas difoto pokoknya mau kelihatan langsing ya..
Saya: eh??

*jangan jangan tulisan "studio" ketuker sama "praktek bedah kosmetik"
atau "terapi sedot lemak"*

Client: mas, nanti muka saya diputihin terus dimulusin ya..
Saya: apuaaaa??

*gue pengen bilang "bengkel ketok mejik ada di gang sebelah mbak, ini
studio foto*

Itu merupakan dua diantara sejuta Frequently Asking Request..
Client adalah raja, senyum client adalah kepuasan kami..
Tapi terkadang, "client dari neraka jahanam" datang, minta ide ide
gila dan parahnya adalah, minta tolong dipotoin..
Gue ulang lagi MINTA TOLONG DIPOTOIN, yup, minta tolong dipotoin, dan
kami diberi upah ucapan Terima Kasih..
Oh Tuhan, kenapa ada client ga tau diri seperti itu??

Ini curcol gue, tukang poto yang masih bau kencur..

Akhir kata..
Yuk agak merapat, ok, lihat kamera ya..
Hitungan tiga ya..
Tiga.... JEPPREEETTT.....

The Ugly Truth, Fight and Make a Good Commitment

Love in relationship is all about sharing and caring between 2 people
who wants to protect each other by making a commitment.

It means, they (both of them) have to discuss what kind of
relationship it is, what should they do and shouldn't do, and respect
each other.
That's what we called a commitment.

Pretty simple, isn't it?

Well, the truth is, to manage and mix and match two heads ain't as
simple as flip your hand up side down.
A stupid single move can ruin the relationship.
But, a wise move will lead you to everlasting love.
It works on date or married situation.

Some couples, are so happy when they start to go steady, and they
promise to stick together no matter what forever.
They do it in the beginning of relationship.
That's great, because they've done the right movement to make a
commitment, stick together.
As the time goes by, people changing, problems appear, they have to
face the flow of relationship.
They have to manage the time for their beloved and their self.

When the first time you hang out, as a couple, you might be think that
someone beside you is the last for you, and you would do anything for
that person because your beloved deserved to get that.
You would act like someone new, just for making your beloved happy.
The person that you were be in the past is over, this is the perfect
time to start over a new life.
Yeah, that's a common knowledge.

The first time you kissed your beloved, that was the second time you
confess your love and you would die for your beloved.

Then, every time you got situation, and you make it up again, that's
the most romantic moment ever.
Got together after the last fight is the hottest moment in your relationship.
In that time, you would beg to your beloved to stay with you and make
new commitment, start over..

Those are the system of a common relationship..

But, I got a deal for you..
I just wanna ask, did you already think that moment, I mean when do
you make a commitment, over and over again?

My point is, when you are in love, it would be hard to you to think
clearly, because your head is full of someone.

Yeah, it sounds ridiculous, but this is the ugly truth.
Shit happens, guys..

When we are in a situation, such as fighting, our mind will remain clearer.
But still, there is a bit of emotional impact inside.

So, it will be easier for us to determine and divide which one is
"pros" and which one is "cons".

The ugly truth, fighting moment could make you wiser and more careful
to make a call of your relationship..

The Suitable One

Guys, let me ask you, which one is more expensive, a paddle or
personal computer?
Personal computer of course.

But, which one is more important when we have a sail by boat?
The expensive one or the suitable one?

We can't rowing a boat by using personal computer, can us?

So, my point is, the expensive one, or the best one, may be not the
one that you need to do something.

I got a story, real one.
I know someone, who always use the best shit to do something, even
though that wasn't the suitable one.
And guess what, the wrong choice that he picked, mostly, drove him
crazy and made him suffer.

The first time, I just hold my laugh tight.
The second one, I couldn't handle it, LOL..
The third, I realize, his suffer time ruin my condition too.
What the heck..

You know what, I got a bad time because of him.
He can manage or handle something properly and wisely, he just picked
something that he thinks the best shit that he has.

Hell ya..
I have to redo my job just for covering his mistake..
Wrong choice, wrong decision and of course give him wrong and stupid result..
Even worse, main too.
I got shit of work because of him..

For our good sake, I ain't gonna give you the real stuff that he took.
So obvious.

And the thing is, use something just like what that shit was made for..
Expensive, the best quality but useless is useless.
Cheap, common quality but useful is useful.
Expensive, the best quality and useful is the best choice..

Sleep on it guys, and you'll realize my point..

Hasta lavista..

I'm Moslem but I ain't Gonna Suck The Blood

Check the picture above out, guys..
I'm a moslem, but I dunno what to say, as a moslem, I won't drink
someone's blood.
That's "yuck" and of course forbidden.

Months ago, I posted about a group of people of religion that wanted
to ruin Lady Gaga's concert in Indonesia.
This time, I'm gonna posted another absurd mind of those people..

Guys, I believe that you ever watch Twilight Movie, Under World,
Resident Evil, and you know what kind of creature they are.
A vampire, dracula, zombie, monster and another blood sucker..
The thing is, all of them are just a movie character, they are unreal,
at least for most of people think that they just a myth.

But this time, I'm gonna present you the real blood sucker..
Here we go, please welcome..
The most famous group of people of religion in Indonesia..

Don't be shock or choke up guys..
That's real, they aren't just a movie character, they are very much real..

Well, the blood sucker action is triggered by a movie, called
"Innocence of Muslims".
I have no idea about that movie, the thing that I know is, the creator
is Nakoula Basseley and it was insulting Moslems by mocking Rasul, or
something like that..

As a moslems, we are angry because of that movie, so obviously.
And as a moslems, we have to make a move to protest it.
But, if we take a blood sucker action as a revenge, that's too much.
Let's we take it back in time, when Rasul make a move to leave the
"jahiliyah era" to the modern and smartness era.
And believe me, sucking somebody's blood is look like jahiliyah era, so uncool..
Moreover, that's the funniest idea that I ever hear so far.
So ridiculous..

They think, they are representing Rasul, and they have right to do
anything to someone else.
They are..
Ah, I dunno, I can't follow their view..
So absurd..

Well, let's carry on to the next part, I'm sick of talking about blood
sucker, I'm done..

Take a look guys..

They said, the government have to deport the American ambassador and
to call of the diplomatic relationship between Indonesia and America.

Let's see..

So, can you imagine if we cut it off??

I wanna say, even though we are in a bad position, in this case, our
Rasul was insulted, we have to think clearly, we have to take an
action, but the anarchy one is not the answer.
By cutting off the deplomatic relationship, we will got a bad time.

Like Mr. Suryadharma Ali said, "I suggest to Moslem in Indonesia won't
give a exaggerated response. The violence in the name of anything,
including religion and against anyone and by anyone is not justified".

Let's do it in the right way..
No more anarchy or violence..


Penumpang Setan

Taxi!!! | Mau ke mana neng?| abang mau tau aja ato mau tau banget? |
serius, eneng mau ke mana? Alamatnya mana? | kepo banget sih bang.. |
serius, kalo ga jelas saya ga mau antar! | Ciyus? Miapah? | Argghhh..
Penumpang setan!! Ciaaatttt..
ƪ("°ロ`(┗┐ヽ(¬_¬ )ノ

-stress kerjaan, akhirnya begini deh, posting geje-

Jadi Laki Laki

"Elu mah enak, bisa traveling kemana mana, ambil job sana sini", kata
seorang temen perempuan..
Bener banget sih..
Semua itu ada konsekuensinya..

Jadi cowok..
Lu kira jadi cowok itu gampang apa?
Emang iya, ada kalanya gampang, enak dan seru, tapi ada juga sisi
suram, seram dan penuh tekanan..

Sebagai cowok, elo bisa kerja di manapun elo mau, elo bisa ditempatin
di tengah hutan, di puncak gunung atau di pulau terpencil, bahkan di
kawasan sengketa perang sekalipun..
Elo punya naluri serta "ability" untuk survive yang tinggi.
Elo ditunjang fisik yang lebih tahan banting ketimbang wanita.
Sedangkan wanita?
Agak bermasalah kalau mereka ditempatkan di daerah yang udah gue sebutin itu.
Agak bermasalah?
Jadi gini, misalkan si wanita itu datang bulan, terus dia lagi
ditempatin di hutan, mau beli pembalut di mana? Yang ada mah elo musti
pake serabut kelapa atau sejenisnya..
Itu salah satu keuntungan jadi laki laki..

Di balik kemampuan Spiderman ngeluarin jaring, dia punya tanggung
jawab gede, menjaga keamanan kota.
Di balik kemampuan Avatar mengendalikan 4 elemen, dia punya tanggung
jawab menyatukan kerajaan di bumi yang berperang setelah kerajaan api
Dan di balik kemampuan pria survive beserta segala abilitynya, kami,
para pria, memiliki tugas berat yang beratnya berat banget..
*tertunduk lesu*

Langsung aja..
Gue dikejar target..
Beneran cuy..
Target apa??
Yah pokoknya mah target sebagai laki laki..

Gue musti mapan sebelum melangkah..
Kalo ga cepet mapan, ya ga cepet melangkah..
Kalo ga cepet melangkah, bisa dilangkahi orang lain..

Laki laki oh laki laki..
Tanggung jawab kita itu besar cuy..
Kelak kita ga cuman berjuang menuhin perut sendiri, tapi juga perutnya
istri, dan anak anak kita..

Di sini lah seleksi alam dimulai..
Kalo elo kelamaan mapan, ya pilihan lo bakal lebih milih yang sudah mapan lah..

Sayang kita gede, cinta kita dalam, tapi finansial kita cekak..
Yah, tersingkir dari arena dong..

Sebagai orang tua, pasti ingin anak perempuannya bahagia..
Sebagai orang tua, pasti ingin putrinya menikah dengan laki laki yang
sudah mapan dari segala aspek, baik itu mental, fisik, serta
Sudah jadi rahasia umum itu mah, dan juga, mana ada orang tua yang
ingin anaknya menderita..

Gue, gue belum mapan..
Tapi gue ga mau tersingkir begitu aja dari peta persaingan ini..

Gue sayang, cinta dan selalu bersemangat untuk bisa bersamanya.
Gue selalu berusaha mewujudkan cita cita kami.
Niat kami baik, cara kami juga baik, jadi kami berharap hasilnya juga baik.
Tapi, gue berjuang ini bukan dengan modal nekat doang.
Dengan perhitungan juga pastinya.
Emang gue berjuang hidup hidupan (bukan mati matian), tapi kalau gue
sampai di titik di mana gue harus berhenti, ya apa boleh dikata gue
harus berhenti.
Gue ga mau, dengan memaksakan kehendak, si istri malah sengsara hidup
dengan gue yang belum mapan.
Gue udah ngebawa anak orang, masak mau nyianyiain kepercayaan?
Laki macam ape lo??
Ya jadi gitu, daripada sengsara sama gue, lebih baik gue mundur dari
seleksi alam ini, demi kebaikan bersama.
Gue ga mau ngecewain si istri serta keluarga dia, gue juga ga mau
terlalu bergantung pada orang tua dan juga gue ga mau terlalu memaksa
diri dan hasilnya, gue malah terlalu terforsir pada keduniawian dan
melupakan tujuan gue menikah, demi mengisi perut kami dan menjaga atap
rumah tetap berdiri kokoh.

*ngetik postingan sambil berkaca kaca mata ini mandangin foto*

Budhe Cita ( http://www.brencia.com ) pernah bilang ke gue, pasti ada
aja rejeki setelah nikah, jangan takut kekurangan, apa lagi setelah
punya anak, ada aja rejekinya.

Well, semangat gue makin tinggi, planning gue punya anak banyak bakal
sukses ini, banyak anak banyak rejeki euy..

Tapi cuy, perkaranya adalah..
Gimana gue bisa ngeyakinin keluarga gue serta keluarga dia pastinya,
supaya mau mempersatukan cinta kami..
Keluarga gue pastilah menginginkan gue sukses dulu baru deh nikah, dan
keluarga dia jelas pengen putrinya nikah dengan seorang yang mapan.
Di situ cuy perkaranya, di situ..

Ga mungkin kan gue "bikin" dulu, terus setelah jadi dan dapat rejeki
dari anak gue, baru mengajukan proposal pembaliknamaan putrinya
menjadi istri gue..
Bisa dibuang dari rumah kalo gitu ceritanya.
Dan parahnya, pintu neraka terbuka lebar buat gue, bahkan ampe
didorong dorong masuk situ..

Jadi, sekarang ini, gue punya misi penting..
1. Berusaha menjadi seseorang berkepribadian serta berwibawa.*

2. Berusaha meyakinkan si perempuan, orang tuanya serta orang tua gue tentunya.

Bukan tugas mudah, tapi, gue yakin, Tuhan percaya kalau gue bisa,
makanya cobaan ini ditaruhNya di hadapan gue.

Selama ada kemauan dan terus berusaha, pasti ada jalan.
Memang jalan itu ga selalu lurus dan halus, tak jarang jalan tersebut
mendaki curam, menukik tajam, berkelok, terjal, bergelombang bahkan
kita harus memanjat atau menghancurkan batu yang menghalangi.

Ya begitulah yang gue rasakan..
Faktor "U" ini..

Kalo elo punya pendapat lain?
Sok mangga ditulis di kolom komen dah..

PS: * --> berkepribadian, memiliki rumah pribadi, kendaraan pribadi
dan penghasilan pribadi yang memadahi.
Berwibawa, wibawa mobil atas nama sendiri, wibawa sertifikat rumah
atas nama sendiri.

The Pink Memories

I bought it couples years ago..
That was my favorite jacket.
I admired it for long long time and I used to save my money to purchase it.

Well, there is my soul inside, I mean, it was my signature, a man who
wore a pink jacket, yes it was me.

Now, that jacket stays with you.
I don't know, if that one has a meaning for you or you just don't have
time to give it back, but honestly, I don't even care if that jacket
is with me or besides you.

Deep inside my heart says, it's better for me if that one stays beside
you, no matter you wear it or not.
At least, I don't have to remember our first meeting, when I used to
wear that pick jacket.
And I remember, it was 31st of December, just right before new year.

Shit, why should those memories use to come and filling my mind?
I remember when you were hitting my helmet (well, it obviously yours),
and it was like a bell ringed straight in my head.
Hahahaha, it was funny, wasn't it?

And I remember, that I wa the one who ruined our thing..

I'm sorry..

I didn't mean to do those kind of shit to you.
I just, I was afraid if you left me.
I realize that I've done a bad thing, but believe me, I didn't mean it.

15th of September 2012, right now.
I do the mistake.

I've been reloading those memories, it is a mistake for me, because, I
ain't alone anymore.
I have someone who brighten my day, and by remembering you and our
memories, it'll cause me a trouble.

It looks like when you were angry when I recall my past, but I think
this one is scarier, because she isn't my girlfriend, but she is my
manager, my angle and my lovely wife.
So, will you keep our memories, and lock it down in some secret place?
Please don't let anyone knows.
And be careful, don't let your boy knows about it, either.

And, I loved you, but I love to realize that our thing lets me learn something.
Once more time, do you still like M2M?

"Did I lose my love to someone better. And does he love you like I do,
I do, you know I really really do..."

Sincerely, Me.


There is a time, for me to recall my memories.
The extra ordinary one..

There is a time, for me to retell my memories.
The memorable one.

There is a time, for me to reload you.
The one who stayed here, long long time ago.

The time, when I feel, got no power, no strength, nothing, I take
those memories back and put it in my mind.
Well, it doesn't mean that I wanna make it happens one more time, (the
truth is yes I am, I wanna make it up with you, but it was years ago),
I just need to recall my spirits, my "me and myself".

It means nothing, no more than a time for me to regain my spirits back..

It means a lot, because there was a story on those memories that makes
me stronger.

Now, this is it, the time for me to reload for regaining my spirits..

Yeah, I am, I do, I think about something in the past, I do it for
sure, that's because there isn't any shit here that could give my way

Right now, the only thing I need is become "the true me", and the only
one to got it is to be selfish for awhile.

For now on, to the unexpected time, I would say "Move on? Fuck that
shit, I'm gonna play my past story".

Tak Ada Batasan

tak ada dimensi pembatas dalam koridor ilmu

Money and Happines

money can't buy you happines, but money can buy a camera that makes me happy..

i need money, yeah, i do..

i need money for feeding me, my crews and my gears..

i believe that you need money too, and you'll be happy when you got lots of bucks..

that's the ugly truth..

Modrus Sense and Wise

One day, 9 years old kid was asked by his friend "why don't you get
angry or revenge when he kicked you?".
The boy said "my parent told me that violence isn't a solution, and
better stay calm".
A 9 years old kid said something wise.

Couple years later, the boy was in a situation. He was blamed and
accuse as someone who broke somebody's glasses, even he did nothing of
He had to replace the glasses with a new one.
He did the replacement stuff.
One day, teacher asked him why did you replace it, and you did nothing?
He said, if I didn't replace it, my friend will get angry to someone
who broke it, because, the one who broke it, didn't wanna replace it
with the new one, and I don't wanna see my friend hate each other,
because my parent said that friendship is important.
How wise he is, don't you think so?

Because of his parent, that boy could say something wise.
They teach him moral of life and sense of socialite.

As the time goes by, when the boy has to face a problem, he will turn
back his memory and try to load a story or lesson from his parent.

Yeah, he can store every sentences of his parent and restore it when he need it.

He always hear a wise words from them.
That thing makes him become wise.

Until one day...
There isn't a wise word from them anymore.

The boy life in unstable condition.
He is pushed by ambition, anger and disappoint.
And above all, he lost his guidance.

It feels like, all of his power is disappear, all of his bones are
break apart and it's all gone now..

Even the parent is still alive and around him, but they are different.

Not sure if he is change and can't receive a wise world anymore, or
the one who really change is the parent.

But for sure, the boy is lost his mind right now.
And his life is ruin, his path is all over the map..

He need them, a parent who feed him with wise words.

He is missing them.

He cries all day long..

He wonders, "am I the one who change? Am I do something wrong? What
should I do to make my mom and dad become like years ago? I miss

Mom and Dad, I miss you so much..
I love you.
I'm so sorry for all of my mistakes, I promise to make you proud of
me, but, please, I need you to be more like you in years ago.

How Dare You

I'm afraid when someone is shouting at my mom..
My body is squeezing.

I ain't afraid of something would happen to my mom, but is more like,
I'm afraid if I can't control my self and start to kick someone ass.

I won't let my mom get shouted..

I love my mom.

Minutes ago, I grabbed a glass and run into someone, I would hit that
person, but I didn't.
Didn't know why I stopped my self, and run into my room, I locked the
door and cried.
Then, I called my dad, but I was choked up and not even a single word
came out from my mouth.

In that point, I feel so frustrated.
I'm sick of this situation.

I would tell my dad about it, but I remembered that my mom said "don't
let your dad know about it, let him do his job, don't bother him with
this problem".
So, I just asked my dad about my motor cycle.
I lied, because I had to.

And now, I can't hold it anymore, and I write a note.
That is the only way for me to show my anger.

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