01/07/2010 - 01/08/2010

not an ability at all

these aren't depending by our ability,skill or performance to start this journey..

not at all..

thats all about our spirit and future goals leading on it..

do anything that you wanna do, try to not to lose direction by doing nothing..

I Made My Own Destiny

Do we live in the world that was create before?
Or we live in the world that we made in our head?

I don't believe in destiny.
I don't believe if you said "it means to be so that means to be".
I don't believe if we can't rewrite our destiny.
I don't believe if we can't rewrite the destiny.

Try to looking for, shapping and make it clear to realize why we live in this world is the true definition of destiny.

Destiny is the bridge you build to cross this world and find the main idea why you born in this world.

I won't let my destiny walking through without my power to control on it.
My destiny is the way that I create in my mind and make it come true by moving my body forward.
So, my destiny is to get what I see in my mind.

Di hari anak nasional kami bicara

Hari anak nasional... Kami sebagai anak ingin meminta pada pemerintah untuk memberikan tayangan yang bermutu. Kami ingin tayangan yang'sehat'. Contohnya kami ingin acara seperti'ci luk ba','kring kring olala','bando','kuis joshua'dan sejenisnya. Kami jengah dengan acara televisi yang tidak mendidik kami dengan baik. Di tv terlalu banyak acara yang mempertontonkan budaya hidup glamor, konsumtif, membuat anak dipaksa dewasa dengan materi cinta, kekerasan dan berbagai hal pembodohan lainnya. Kami jengah akan semua hal itu. Biarkan kami bicara dan dengarkan kami dengan seksama. Terima kasih.

Quotation of Traveler

bertahan bukanlah jalan dan mundur bukan pilihan. hanya berlari ke depan yang saya lakukan... (gym)

--> kata katanya si ganteng ochy d'independent traveler

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